The Mirror’s Image



In The Sunshine Line, Joe was recruited by the fairies of Daganu to help built, maintain and preserve the crossings between their world and ours. In The Mirror’s Image, Joe and Kristy start their work. The unique job turns out to have complications they would never have believed, and that’s before they get side-stracked!

Buy in all e-reader formats at Smashswords!

Kindle only at Amazon!


The Mirror’s Image is here!

I am excited to announce that the sequel to The Sunshine Line is now available for purchase at Smashwords (all e-formats, no DRM) and Amazon (kindle format, no DRM)!

In The Sunshine Line, Joe was recruited by the fairies of Daganu to help built, maintain and preserve the crossings between their world and ours. In The Mirror’s Image, Joe and Kristy start their work. The complex job turned out to have complications they would never have believed.


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Excerpt: The Mirror’s Image, fourth chapter – And coupon!!

I think the cover is ready! It looks like we’re on track to publish by the end of the week! If you haven’t read The Sunshine Line now is the time to pick it up at Smashwords! 50% off coupon code:  KK28G

Meanwhile, here is the fourth chapter of The Mirror’s Image coming soon!

Tuesday July 7, 1992


Kristy and I took a little retreat to a Napa bed-and-breakfast and got back to the City late Tuesday morning. We went straight to the courthouse to get legally married. Kristy hadn’t really wanted to bother, feeling sufficiently married already, but I thought it might be a good idea.

After all, I’d called my parents over the weekend and told them that Kristy and I had eloped to Reno. I would just have to hope there would never be a reason for them to look at the wedding certificate. My parents had been slightly disappointed and a little bit bemused that they had never even met my bride. I told them that they would eventually, but that we were joining the Peace Corps and would be out of touch for a while.

I can’t believe he swallowed that story,” I said out loud, as we made our way from my – our – apartment to Tom and Molly’s house. Continue reading

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Excerpt: The Mirror’s Image, third chapter

Are you ready for The Mirror’s Image? Well, it’s almost ready for you, too!

Third chapter, for your enjoyment

Saturday July 4, 1992


There was something slightly ironic about getting married on Independence Day, but it didn’t bother me in the slightest. I decided it was the course of wisdom, however, not to mention the observation to my bride. Continue reading

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Excerpt: The Mirror’s Image, second chapter

While we all wait for the cover to be ready, here’s another chapter!

Thursday, July 2, 1992


I woke around six, as was my habit on a weekday. I still felt a little stunned, but certainly more clear headed than I had been yesterday. I slipped out of bed and dressed quietly. Kristy appeared to be sleeping through it, but sometimes she faked it. That was her privilege. Continue reading

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Excerpt: The Mirror’s Image, first chapter

Oh we are so close to publication! Fans of The Sunshine Line don’t have long to wait for the sequel – The Mirror’s Image – now!

To get you in the mood, here’s the first chapter:


Wednesday July 1, 1992


Once the portal was fixed most of the fairies went through to their own world, leaving only Amaleen behind with us. Continue reading

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And a Very Merry Unbirthday to You!


Tomorrow is my forty-third birthday, and I want to share the celebration. From today until February 17th I am offering a 43% discount on all my published works at Smashwords! This is a steal, people!

I will still be donating 90% of my royalties for Silver Linings to YSC and 50% of my royalties for Help Wanted to WEAVE. And, of course, The Animal Place is still set at “you set the price” so you can pick it up for free.

Please note: These coupons only work at Smashwords. Smashwords offers DRM free downloads in all e-book formats, and you have access to all versions including any updated versions I might publish. You are more than welcome to purchase my books at Amazon, but the coupons won’t work there.

Coupon Codes! (Coupons good through January 2, 2013)

Silver Linings  EN52D – Non-fiction, this book takes you through my cancer treatment in “real time”.

Help Wanted  SL33J – Psychological thriller, a tale of generosity repaid with abuse. Fictionalized account of a true story

The Sunshine Line UU82N – Light fantasy, What happens when an ordinary guy discovers fairies are real… and nothing like children’s stories!  



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News on the Universe of The Sunshine Line

The Sunshine Line was published in late August and has gotten stunning reviews on Amazon to my great pleasure. Last month I rolled The Sunshine Line out on Smashwords, thus giving my readers more choices and more control over their purchase.

Many readers have eagerly asked for more. You ask, I deliver. Let me give you a breakdown of what’s in the works right now.

Next out of the shoot will be a short story called The Animal Place, to be published later this month. I’m excited to be able to offer this for free on Smashwords!

Then, in February, the first full-length sequel to The Sunshine Line will be ready (I hope!) for publishing. The Mirror’s Image picks up where The Sunshine Line left off and brings Joe, Kristy and you, my readers, to the other side of the Portal.

After that I’m giving myself about six months to get the third book out. It remains nameless at this time.

Meanwhile, I’ve just finished writing The Long Dark, a fourth full-length Sunshine Line book. It’s a bit early to tell, but I’m hoping to publish late winter 2014.

The Sunshine Line is where my heart is, so fans can take heart knowing there’s a lot more coming!

Stay tuned!

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