Temporary Removal of Excerpts – The Sunshine Line

The Sunshine Line is published! How exciting it that???

I have enrolled The Sunshine Line in Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing Select program, which requires that no more than 10% of a work be published anywhere else. I will be participating in the program for 90 days, after which I will make the book available in a number of additional ways. The KDP Select program allows me to do “promotional days” so I’m giving them first cut.

The excerpts will return after the 90 day period is up. Meanwhile, you can read a reasonably sized sample here:

Buy The Sunshine Line today!

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It’s almost time for The Sunshine Line!!

After some delays on the cover art, The Sunshine Line is almost ready to go! Some time in the next few days I will be posting (to Google+ and facebook) the excerpts previously published on this blog, counting down to publication!

The Sunshine Line will initially be offered exclusively through Amazon, where I can do promotional days offering the novel for free. After the required 90 day participation in the KDP Select program, The Sunshine Line will be made available through other vendors as well.

I’m very excited about this, and I hope my readers are too!

Stay tuned!

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The Larval Stage of an Outline

Every story has to start somewhere. Truthfully, this isn’t especially vague for me for an intial outline. Got to get the ideas I have down, and go from there. Still, this is pretty funny stuff. I hope you enjoy! Oh, and I’m not going to try to adjust the formatting, it just isn’t worth it. I think my readers have the fortitude to withstand it. (Oh, and btw, the last line of this post is the actual last line of the outline. o.0)

TSL4: First outline

Story opens as they approach Yannik’s cave.

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Letter to Dean Pomeroy and Patient Relations, UC Davis

July 25, 2012

Claire Pomeroy, M.D., M.B.A

Dean, School of Medicine

UC Davis Education Building

4610 X Street, Suite 3101

Sacramento, CA 95817

Re: Treatment at UC Davis Medical Center

Dean Pomeroy:

I am writing to bring to your attention evidence of the poor education your school is providing its doctors and the resulting impact on patients. The matters I refer to are endemic throughout the UC Davis Medical Group suggesting that the UC Davis Medical School’s curriculum is at fault.

The situation borders on malpractice on a systemic level.

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Spoilers and Sequels and Prequels, Oh My!

If I ever get my cover, I’ll be able to publish The Sunshine Line… So far, I’ve written two sequels and a short story that takes place between the first and second books. And now I’m starting to put together a prequel short story.

I was careful in writing the short story mentioned above to not include any spoilers. I am not intending to publish it until at least the first book is out there, but the short can be read before the other books.

But it is not possible to write the short I’m outlining without spoilers. I can and will only put in spoilers for the first book, the others… well I think I’ve figured out how to avoid the only major spoiler for the second book.

It’s a balancing act, but it’s still fun. It also gives me something to write while I do endless editing on my other WIPs.

I sure hope people find The Sunshine Line concepts interesting, as I’ve written so much in that ficton (“fictional universe” would be a good approximation).

If you haven’t availed yourself of the opportunity yet, you can visit The Sunshine Line‘s page by clicking on its tab in the menu bar above; it has five and a half chapters to suck you in!

Thanks for reading!

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I’m still feeling a little bit at sea (thus the title) about what, exactly, I should be working on right now. I think I overloaded myself working on so many different projects more or less simultaneously.

I can’t let this go on too long.

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Writing as a Calling?

Thinking up what to write about here today brought to mind an odd analogy.

When I was in labor with my second child, my labor went so fast that I was forced to do it “naturally”. With my first child I had an epidural and never felt that “urge to push” that I’d heard of. The OB told me to push and I did. When the “urge to push” came on me during my second labor I decided it was ill-named. It wasn’t an “urge” it was a “mandate from God”. Choice didn’t come into it.

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The Bare-Bones Outline

I’ve been doing a lot of editing and publishing research and all that less-fun stuff a writer has to do in order to become an author. I’ve started to feel desperate to write something, but with all the stuff I’m trying to push out the door I don’t think I should attempt another novel until November.

So I decided to write a couple of short stories set in The Sunshine Line universe.

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A Failure with Potential

 Last November I failed at NaNoWriMo. I had a seed of an idea that very grudgingly allowed me to create an outline, but when I started to write, it turned wrong. I was writing in the first person and my narrator’s kid was kidnapped. It was awful. Not bad writing; it was awful to write. I had to stop.

I went back to the seed of an idea and started writing without an outline, trying to get from Point A to Point B and getting thoroughly bored in the process. 

So I gave up.

Today I went back to read the 5400+ words I got in…. and you know? Not only is it not terrible, but it actually might be salvageable. If I can figure it out. An outline would probably help. Just maybe. 

So here it is, in its unedited entirety… Oh, and sorry about the cliffhanger, I was just disgusted and walked away. 

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Excerpt (Un-named) Sequel to The Sunshine Line

From late in the July 2, 1992, chapter

Angelina introduced her companion, “This is Amanda, my half sister. She came along because she wanted to meet you.”

My face must have shown how puzzled I felt, because Angelina said, “we are both Leo’s daughters, so we know a little about you already. Amanda is very excited about you having a wedding ceremony here.” She smiled gently.

Yes I am!” said Amanda, practically bubbling with energy. She turned to Kristy, “Will you have a big beautiful dress?”

Kristy blinked a few times, then said, “Why, I don’t think so. I don’t need anything fancy. I just want the ritual of it, not the trappings.”

Amanda looked crushed. “But I thought human women dressed up like princesses to get married!”

Kristy appealed to me with her eyes, but I had no idea what to say.

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